CCeH GitLab
Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) Project Collaboration Platform
For internal use by staff and students of CCeH, IDH, DCH, associated institutions and project partners only.
This instance is not open for general use to UzK staff. There will be downtimes and operation might cease in the future. The RRZK has a central Redmine instance with git integration that anybody at UzK can use:
You can now sign in using Uni Köln credentials. If you already have an account for CCeH GitLab, select the Standard login method and keep logging in with your existing GitLab account!, or else you will end up with two accounts.
If you want to login with your Uni Köln credentials instead while keeping all settings and contributions
1. Go to User Settings/Profile and check that your e-mail address is the same as the original provided by uni-koeln (NO ALIAS!). For example, Francisco's original uni-koeln account is: (1) and not the alias (2) 2. Confirm the verification email first. 3. Then sign in with your Uni Köln Account for the first time – your GitLab and Uni Köln accounts are now linked.